Multirisk for professionals and small businesses

Our multi-risk professional and small business insurance policy is the tailor-made insurance solution for traders, craftsmen, building professionals, and small businesses.

An offer adapted to small companies

We offer cover that is perfectly suited to the needs and specificities of each activity, in particular by protecting your premises, your property and equipment, your operating losses in the event of a major disaster leading to a total or partial stoppage of your activity, as well as professional civil liability for traders.

  • Local shops and offices;
  • Craftsmen – construction professionals;
  • Wholesaler and storage companies – manufacturers.


A complete and flexible product

On the same contract, you ensure:

  • Your premises;
  • Property damage;
  • Civil liability;
  • The financial security of your activity.
  • Several sites can be covered on the same contract.

You have full freedom to establish a tailor-made policy, corresponding to your activity. Select the guarantees you need and set the capital according to the specificities of the risk.

Finally, choose the excess level from three possibilities.


A wide range of damage coverages

Our multirisk professional and small business contract offers a wide range of damage guarantees.

Included: glass breakage, including signs; professional goods guaranteed on the premises where the activity is carried out, including exteriors.

Optional for full coverage on the same contract:

  • Loss of perishable goods, loss of goods being processed;
  • Transported goods;
  • All-risk guarantee for energy-efficient equipment (solar panels, wind turbines, etc.), breakage, civil liability vis-à-vis the electricity supplier, loss of revenue.
  • All-risk guarantee for outdoor furniture for catering activities, on request from the company;
  • Breakdown of machinery and computer equipment is indemnified at replacement value for three years.


Covering the establishment’s civil liability

Depending on the type of activity, several levels of civil liability are offered. They are cumulative:

  • Civil liability for premises
  • Operating civil liability, including damage to entrusted property;
  • Post-delivery liability, excluding offices and building trades;
  • Non-consecutive immaterial damage.


Ensure the sustainability of your business

Our contract covers operating loss over 12 or 24 months in the event of a claim: fire, storm-hail-snow, theft, vandalism, water damage, natural disaster, and machine breakdown.

The implementation of the guarantee is also possible following an administrative closure of the establishment or an impossibility of access.

If the extension is taken out, the contract provides for compensation, following the failure of a named supplier or customer.


The advantages of our offer

  • During periods of high activity: increase of 25% of the amounts insured for professional content, hiring of two additional employees on a temporary basis, without having to declare it to us.
  • Image removal and rehabilitation costs and removal and installation costs for industrial companies.
  • Key person: costs of temporary replacement, share of profit not made during the period of absence, additional costs incurred to maintain turnover.


Full support included

  • Provision of a commercial vehicle to transfer goods after a disaster;
  • Provision of a refrigerated vehicle in the event of a cold room failure;
  • Emergency breakdown service with travel and specialist intervention costs covered;
  • “Electronic safe” service to store computer documents securely.